Sunday, February 18, 2018

How to Find the Perfect Baby Monitor

How to Find the Perfect Baby Monitor


Make no mistake about it, in our day and age, you really can’t leave anything to chance. Sudden infant death syndrome is very much a real possibility for any infant. This may seem depressing, this might even seem alarming, but it’s better to be alarmed and depressed now rather than to live through a tragedy.

Please understand that anything can go wrong. You really can’t assume anything when it comes to your baby’s health and safety. This is why it’s really important to buy a baby monitor. It’s no longer a luxury.

Back in the day, only fairly wealthy parents could afford the latest and greatest baby monitor because this piece of equipment actually cost quite a bit of money. Well, fast forward to today and, regardless of how much money you have, you can afford a baby monitor. It is non-negotiable. You need to get it.

If your baby is not in a crib in your bedroom, then you need a baby monitor. If there’s some sort of distance between you and your baby, you need a monitor. There are really no two ways about it.

Accidents happen all the time. If there is some sort of issue or commotion at your baby’s room, you need to know about it quickly and you need to be there ASAP.

A Great Baby Monitor System Monitors Babies, Plus So Much More

It’s easy to think that the perfect baby monitor simply just monitors your baby. You just hear the right signals, you hear the right sounds and you are set at ease. Well, it actually delivers more that that.

It’s not just a question of technically monitoring your kid. It also boils down to peace of mind. Are you going to rest assured? Are you going to have a device that would enable you to stop worrying? That’s really what you’re paying for.

And unfortunately, there is such a wide range of specifications among different baby monitor models on the market that it’s anybody’s guess whether you could actually get a tremendous peace of mind just by picking any random model. It just doesn’t work that way.

You really have to do your homework. You need to make sure that the monitor that you have your eye on actually fits the particular set of circumstances and covers the wide range of situations that apply to you and your baby’s case. Otherwise, you just bought yourself a worthless piece of plastic. It really doesn’t get any simpler than that.

How to Monitor Baby with Confidence

So how exactly do you monitor your child through a baby monitor with absolute confidence? Well, first of all, you need a baby monitor with camera systems. If you are serious about maximizing your peace of mind, you need to take all guesswork out of the system.

The traditional baby monitor just sends you the sounds coming from your baby’s room. Maybe your infant’s room is 20 feet away or maybe it’s even 50 feet away, it doesn’t matter, you just get the sound. The problem is, who knows what those noises mean? There’s a lot of guesswork here. This is especially true if there’s a lot of background noise in the room or in your own room.

Do you see how this works? Do you see how there an be all sorts of accidents and all sorts of misunderstandings?

This is why it’s crucial to pick baby monitors with camera systems. They really take all the guesswork out. You can see right there what’s going on. You don’t have to worry about whether you misunderstood a sound or not. Either you see something or you don’t.

You also need to monitor babies with digital sound or stereo sound. This goes hand in hand with baby monitors with camera systems. What’s the point of investing in a monitor that produces crystal clear video, but you can’t hear anything? You might as well go for the whole package.

Now, if you really want to take your baby’s safety and security to a whole other level, try baby monitors with motion detection sound and video. This is the complete package.

If something goes wrong or if your baby has a nightmare and wakes up, you would know because of the motion detector technology built-in to your baby monitor. If your baby starts making some sounds, you would know. You can then cross reference all of this with the recorded video.

You get maximum peace of mind if you get this comprehensive package all built into and designed into one compact baby monitor.

Now it’s really important to make sure that the baby monitor is very intuitive. You don’t need to have a degree in rocket science or work part time as a brain surgeon to be able to figure this out. Now, if you are dealing with a product that is actually so complex that you need to be some sort of super genius, then you probably are better off looking for another product.

Make no mistake about it, if your kid is having an accident or has some sort of issue that may pose a threat to your kid’s health and safety, the last thing you want to do is to fumble around with the instruction manual for the baby monitor. It might have all sorts of bells and whistles, but none of them are really going to do you much good if your kid is on the verge of life and death. I hope you can see how crucial it is to look for a fairly easy to use and understand baby monitor.

Babymonitor Products are Not Created Equal

It would be nice to believe that all baby monitor products are commodities. In other words, if you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all.

Unfortunately, that is hardly the case. Baby monitor products differ quite a bit from each other. I’m not just talking about one model differing from another model. We’re talking about vast differences across brands and categories.

So how exactly do you tell these different models from each other? Well, first, make sure that you test their range. They differ quite a bit in terms of the range of reception for the monitor. Second, once you’re detecting a signal, test it for clarity. Can you make heads or tails of the information you’re getting? If not, then there’s a problem.

Finally, insist on some sort of alarm protocol. If something’s wrong or if something’s unusual, the receiving end of the baby monitor must alarm you. It must call your attention. It’s much better to deal with false alarms than to be given a false sense of security.

Keep these tips in mind when out shopping for the perfect baby monitor. There is really no such thing as “the best.” The best is essentially subjective. You have to figure out what particular product makes the most sense in your particular set of circumstances. You’re the only person that knows that. You’re the only person that lives with that set of requirements, so be very careful and focus on the criteria and features, as well as the implications mentioned above.

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